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The Hierarchy of a Motorcycle Club
A motorcycle club assumes a serious hierarchy in leadership just like any other organization. At the top is the president who is the head of the executive committee and the MC CEO.
The treasurer is in charge of the motorcycle club funds. He is also the custodian of the
We have sergeant-at-arms whose job is to ensure that the club’s bylaws are adhered to. The road captain is the boss in the road runs and everything related to the road.

WHAT our members SAY
“We met some really great people that you wouldn’t necessarily expect to meet in your normal day-to-day living. It gave me a really great insight into the diverse ways Americans think.”

Alex Bold
“We met some really great people that you wouldn’t necessarily expect to meet in your normal day-to-day living. It gave me a really great insight into the diverse ways Americans think.”

John Doe

Alex Bold
John Doe